XenTegra - The Fortinet Session
Series devoted to the education and general discussion around the Fortinet technology fabric.
XenTegra - The Fortinet Session
XenTegra - The Fortinet Session - Episode 12 - Security Fabric & ServiceNow
Peanut Butter and Jelly time!
The @Fortinet Security Fabric and @ServiceNow story is your security network's data and workflow automation falling in love. The partnership and integration between these solution stacks help deliver critical information into management workflows for instant visibility and automation where it’s most needed.
Listen to how @XenTegra can help as we review various options for customers to ensure that a customized solution is tailored for your organization’s needs.
Special thanks to our guests Fred Reynolds and Kristen McDonald for the expert insight to ServiceNow…and as always to Isrrael Quintero and Mohammad Akif for running the show with me.
#FortinetSecurity #ServiceNowAutomation #ITSM #ITOM