XenTegra - The Fortinet Session
Series devoted to the education and general discussion around the Fortinet technology fabric.
XenTegra - The Fortinet Session
XenTegra - The Fortinet Session - Episode 11 - SP5 Processor
Chris Doran
More bang for your buck! Fortinet SP5 Processor Reviewed. FortiSP5, the latest breakthrough in ASIC technology from Fortinet, propelling major leaps forward in securing distributed network edges. Building on over 20 years of ASIC investment and innovation from Fortinet, FortiSP5 delivers significant secure computing power advantages over traditional CPU and network ASICs, lower cost and power consumption, the ability to enable new secure infrastructure across branch, campus, 5G, edge compute, operational technologies, and more.
As always, thank you to our listeners and for the great conversation with Isrrael Quintero for his technical insights!