XenTegra - The Fortinet Session
Series devoted to the education and general discussion around the Fortinet technology fabric.
XenTegra - The Fortinet Session
XenTegra - The Fortinet Session - Episode 9 - FortiNAC Overview
Chris Doran
Season 1
Episode 9
Is your network in need of a "Swiss Army Knife" style technology to get a handle on what's going on in the environment? Do you know what's in your network and how do you control them if they are already there? Is micro-segmentation, audit readiness, or remediation on your list to check off? Join us for a chat about how Fortinet does all of this with FortiNAC.
Thanks to Jason Kline (Fortinet), Dave Wynegar (XenTegra/1Marksman), and Mohammad Akif (XenTegra) for joining the chat today!